Signature Programs

Selling Skills training

Selling Skills training

Use question-based needs discovery to demonstrate value and ROI (return on investment)

  1. Do your salespeople fail to ask enough discovery questions?
  2. Do they rush in too soon to ‘pitch’ a solution?
  3. Are they quick to discount, instead of negotiating based on value?
  4. Do they give excuses why they can’t reach target, instead of doing ‘whatever it takes’?
  5. How many suffer from sales call reluctance?
  6. Do they wait for incoming orders instead of creating new customers?
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Presentation Skills training

Presentation Skills training

Presenting with impact: to engage, persuade and take action

For anyone who delivers presentations at conferences, meetings, events or training, find out the secrets of top presenters to overcome nerves and come across as confident, competent and intelligent.

Learn how to avoid these mistakes when presenting:

  1. physical mannerisms that distract the audience
  2. a weak opening or close, no ‘call to action’ at the end
  3. over-relying on PowerPoint, not using stories to illustrate a point or no method to banish nerves or negative thoughts.

Allow your people to view themselves presenting on video so they can they be critiqued and coached by an expert.

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DiSC Profile Assessment

DiSC Profile Assessment

  • Understand self, understand others via the DiSC profile and group debrief.
  • Become more flexible and tolerant of others with a differing style
  • Enable leaders to better communicate and influence by knowing the DiSC style of their people
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Workplace Bullying and Harassment training for managers

Preventing and Responding

  • What is workplace bullying?
  • What it is not.
  • How can workplace bullying occur?
  • Unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment
  • How can the risk of workplace bullying be managed?
  • How to handle incidents or reports of bullying and harassment.

HR ALERT: Please be aware of new Australiawide regulations to manage Psychosocial Hazards in the workplace, as identified by Safework Australia

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People Skills Training Australia

Design Thinking training

Preventing and Responding

  • What is workplace bullying?
  • What it is not.
  • How can workplace bullying occur?
  • Unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment
  • How can the risk of workplace bullying be managed?
  • How to handle incidents or reports of bullying and harassment.

HR ALERT: Please be aware of new Australiawide regulations to manage Psychosocial Hazards in the workplace, as identified by Safework Australia

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Priority Management Training Australia

Managing Meetings

Manage priorities, avoid distractions, work smarter and get more of the right things done

  1. Do people complain they have too much to do?
  2. Confused by competing priorities?
  3. Do they operate from a task list tracking all their to-dos?
  4. Individuals procrastinating; missing deadlines?
  5. Meetings take up too much time?
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