Signature Programs

Priority Management Training Australia

Priority Management training

Manage priorities, avoid distractions, work smarter and get more of the right things done

  1. Do people complain they have too much to do?
  2. Confused by competing priorities?
  3. Do they operate from a task list tracking all their to-dos?
  4. Individuals procrastinating; missing deadlines?
  5. Meetings take up too much time?
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Business Writing Training

Business Writing training

Fix common writing mistakes that make you look unprofessional

  1. Wordiness: Sentences too long?
  2. Style: Language too formal or informal?
  3. Grammar: Not using Active Voice?
  4. Expression: Repetition of words and phrases?
  5. Nominalisation: using “zombie nouns” instead of dynamic verbs
  6. Tone: Not writing with the reader in mind?
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Customer Service Training Australia

Customer Service training

How to raise the bar to deliver positively exceptional service 

Do your people make these 5 mistakes in Customer Service?

  1. Not doing what they say they’re going to do?
  2. Treating a customer as if they’re an interruption?
  3. Not responding to customer requests with a sense of urgency?
  4. Ignoring customer complaints hoping they will go away?
  5. Not appreciating the lifetime value of a customer?
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Report Writing Training

Report Writing training

Understanding structure and purpose to create a report style that’s readable and clear.

Do your people make these mistakes writing reports?

  1. not stating facts clearly and sometimes misunderstood?
  2. Executive Summary absent or not used to full effect?
  3. structure and ordering of points poor, leading to lack of clarity?
  4. long-winded and need to become more concise?
  5. senior manager wastes time proofreading writing of team members?
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Leadership Skills Training

Leadership Development

The manager of the future acts like a coach

Do your managers know the attributes of an engaging leader?

  1. Do they coach unsatisfactory performance (or avoid difficult conversations)?
  2. Are your managers quick to grant credit to team members for their contribution (or do they withhold praise or appreciation?)
  3. Have your managers had a one-on-one discussion with individuals about career path in the last 6 months?
  4. In fact, do managers regularly schedule meaningful one-on-one meetings to check in and support?
  5. Do they avoid micro-managing (or get too involved in details that should be handled at other levels)?


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Change Management training

Change Management training

Leading Change for managers or Working Through Change for everyone

  • Do some staff express resistance to a change initiative?
  • Is there a guiding team leading change?
  • Have they created a sense of urgency for the need to change?
  • How are they keeping the ‘change’ story top of mind, to win people’s hearts and minds?

Discuss with us how we can create a bespoke solution for culture change.

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Speed Reading Training

Speed reading training

Double your reading speed, guaranteed!

  1. Are you under pressure to get through mountains of reading that just keeps pouring in?
  2. If you double or triple your reading speed without loss of comprehension, how much time daily would that save . . .  an hour? more? (5 hours a week adds up to around 6 working weeks per year.)
  3. Are decisions or tasks delayed because required reading isn’t done?

Speed Reading training is a proven tactic for mastering information overload and can be learned in a day! In our one-day Speed Reading workshop we guarantee to double everyone’s reading rate. Many people increase 3 times or more, without loss of comprehension (measured).

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Continuous Improvement Training

Continuous Improvement training

What is the real work we should be doing in the workplace?

  1. The Kaizen Way and how a Kaizen Committee can implement change using various Kaizen tools.
  2. Case Study: Marginal Gains and how the British cycle team won multiple consecutive Tours de France over 7 years
  3. Applying the Plus 1% rule to brainstorm suggestions for improvement using Open Space method.
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Workplace Wellness Program

  1. Cultivate a mentally healthy workplace
  2. Improve resilience capability and well-being
  3. Psychological and physical effects of stress and anxiety
  4. Understand Mindfulness and your Circles of Influence, Control and Concern
  5. Stimulus-Response-Gap; pause to choose your reaction
  6. Create a self-care plan to boost Resilience
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Emotional Intelligence Staff Training

Emotional Intelligence training

Improve teamwork and tolerance by discovering what is high emotional intelligence

  1. What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)? Why is it important in the workplace?
  2. Are team members coping with stressful situations without falling apart?
  3. Are people flexible – able to adjust feelings, thoughts and behaviours to changing situations and conditions?
  4. Are they optimistic – able to maintain a positive attitude even when times are tough?
  5. Are they able to read the emotions of others?
  6. Are they good problem-solvers – able to identify problems as well as generate and implement solutions?
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